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If Rama (Kakutstha) is really well, why
does he not burn this earth girt by the
ocean with his ire like the surging fire of
dissolution ?
अथ वा शक्तिमन्तौ तौ सुराणामपि निग्रहे ।
ममैव तु न दुःखानाम् अस्ति मन्ये विपर्ययः ॥
But no; they are quite capable of
defeating even the celestials. I think
the end of my miseries has not arrived
as yet.
कच्चिन्न व्यथितो रामः कच्चिन्न परितप्यते ।
उत्तराणि च कार्याणि कुरुते पुरुषोत्तमः ॥
Is not Rama agitated? Does he not
grieve? Does that foremost of men take
the further steps (calculated to rescue me)?
कच्चिन्न विगतस्नेहः विवासान्मयि राघवः ।
कच्चिन्मां व्यसनादस्मात् मोक्षयिष्यति वानर ॥
Has Raghava lost his affection for me,
because of my exile ? Omonkey, will he
rescue me from this distress?
सीताया वचनं श्रुत्वा मारुतिर्भीमविक्रमः ।
शिरस्यञ्जलिमाधाय वाक्यमुत्तरमब्रवीत् ॥
Hearing the words of Sita, Maruthi of
terrible prowess, placed his folded hands
on his head and spoke these words
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