2023-08-14 13:14:07 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
knows the time and place for everything
and is pleasant spoken to all.
भ्राताऽपि तस्य द्वै
अनुरागेण रूपेण गुणैश्चैव तथाविधः ॥
He has by his step-mother Sumitra, a
brother who is unconquerable.
exactly like him (Rama) in affection,
beauty of form and virtuous qualities.
He is
तावुभौ नरशार्दूलौ त्वद्दर्शनसमुत्सु
विचिन्वन्तौ महीं कृत्स्नाम् अस्माभिरभिसङ्गतौ ॥
Those two best of men, who are eager
to see you, and who have been searching
for you throughout the earth, came into
contact with us.
ततस्त्वन्नाशजं शोकं रामस्या
लक्ष्मणो वानरेन्द्राय सुग्री
Then Lakshmana explained to Sugriva,
the king of the monkeys, the sorrow of
Rama of benign deeds due to your loss.
तानि रामाय दत्तानि मयैवोपहृतानि च ॥