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निवर्तय मनोः मत्तः स्वजने क्रियतां मनः ॥

' Turn back your desire from me. Let

it be fixed on your own people.

न मां प्रार्थयितुं युक्तं सुसिद्धिमिव पापकृत् ।

अकार्यं न मया कार्यमेकपत्न्या विगर्हितम् ॥

It is not proper for you to solicit me,

any more than for a sinner to seek final

emancipation. Devoted to one husband,

the forbidden deed may not be done by


नाह मौपयिकी भार्या परभार्या सती तव ॥

I am no fit wife to you being the faith-

ful wife of another.

साधु धर्ममवेक्षस्व साधु साधुत्र्व्रतं चर ।

यथा तव तथाऽन्येषां दारा रक्ष्या निशाचर ॥

Look to dharma carefully; follow care-

fully the rule of the good; O Rakshasa,

the wives of the others must be protected

like your own.

इह सन्तो न वा सन्ति सतो वा नानुवर्तसे ।

तथा हि विपरीता ते बुद्धिराचारवर्जिता ॥

Either there are no good people here,

or if there are, you don't follow them,

seeing that your bent of mind is perverse

and contrary to righteousness.