2023-08-14 12:43:13 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
विचिन्वतश्च वैदेहीं किञ्चिच्छेषा निशाऽभवत् ॥
Whilst he was looking at the forest full
of blossoming trees, and searching for Sita,
only very little of the night was unspent.
शुश्राव ब्रह्म
And at that late time of the night, he
heard the holy chanting of the Brahma-
rakshasas who were experts in all the six
ancillaries of the Vedas and who had
performed the greatest sacrifices.
अथ मङ्गल
प्राबुध्यत महाबाहुर्दशग्
Then the ten-necked and highly-heroic
Ravana of mighty arms was roused by the
sounds of auspicious instruments, melodi-
ous to the ears.
विबुध्य तु यथाकालं राक्षसेन्द्रः प्रतापवान् ।
अशोकवनिकामेव प्राविशत् सन्ततद्रुमाम् ।
वृतः परमनारीभिः ताराभिरिव चन्द्रमाः ॥