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इदं चिरगृहीतत्वाद्वसनं क्लिष्टवत्तरम् ।

तथाऽपि नूनं तद्वर्णं तथा श्रीमद्बेथेतरत् ॥

This garment has become tattered by

long wear. Still it is surely of the same

colour and beauty as the other (which we

picked up ).

इयं कनकवर्णाङ्गी रामस्य महिषी प्रिया ।

प्रनष्टाऽपि सती याऽस्य मनसो न प्रणश्यति ॥

This golden-hued lady is (indecd) the

beloved queen of Rama, for though she

is lost, she is not lost from his mind.

अस्या देव्या मनस्तस्मिंस्तस्य चास्यां प्रतिष्ठितम् ।

तेनेयं स च धर्मात्मा मुहूर्तमपि जीवति ॥

This lady's mind is rooted in him and

his mind is rooted in her. That is why,

the righteous-minded Rama and Sita are

maintaining their lives even for a while.

दुष्करं कृतवान् रामो हीनो यदनया प्रभुः ।

धारयत्यात्मनो देहं न शोकेनावसीदति ॥

Indeed, my master Rama performs a

difficult feat in that, being separated from

her, he still maintains his body and has

not consumed himself with grief."