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without culture which has lost its own
without culture which has lost its own

तां समीक्ष्य विशालाक्षीं राजपुत्रीमनिन्दिताम् ।

तर्कयामास सीतेति कारगैणैरुपपादिभिः ॥

Looking at her possessed of wide eyes,

the daughter of a king and of unimpeach-

able conduct, he concluded her to be Sita

by cogent reasonings :

वैदेह्या यानि चाङ्गेषु तदा रामोऽन्व कीर्तयत् ।

तान्याभरणजालानि शाखाशो मीभीन्यलक्षयत् ॥

Those ornaments which Rama had

described in the various parts of Sita's

body, he saw all those
shining on the branches (of the Asoka tree).

तत्र यान्यवहीनानि तान्यहं नोपलक्षये ।

Those ornaments which were dropped

(at Rishyamuka), them I do not see here.

भूषणानि विचित्राणि दृष्टानि धरणीतले ।

अनयैवापविद्धानि स्वनवन्ति महान्ति च ॥

Those wonderful, resonant and precious

ornaments which were seen on the ground

should certainly have been discarded by

this lady.