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स त्वं केसरिणः पुत्रः क्षेत्रजो भीमविक्रमः ।

मारुतस्यौरसः पुत्रः तेजसा चापि तत्समः ॥

You are Kesarin's son but born to ano-

ther person and you are of terrible heroism.

You are the son born from the loins of the

Wind-god and you are also equal to him in


उत्तिष्ठ हरिशार्दूल लङ्घयस्व महार्णवम् ।

विक्रमस्व महावेगो विष्णुस्त्रीन्विक्रम निव ॥

Arise, O best of monkeys, and cross the

great ocean. Go forth with great speed

even as Vishnu took his three great


संस्तूयमानो हनुमान् व्यवर्धत महाबलः ।

समाविध्य च लाङ्गूलं हर्षाच्च बलमेयिवान् ।

Being praised, the mighty Hanuman

increased greatly (in size). And flourishing

his tail out of joy, he attained (great)


आरुरोह नगश्रेष्ठं महेन्द्रमरिमर्दनः ॥

Hanuman, the destroyer of foes, got up

the best of mountains, Mahendra.