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All those foremost of monkeys with Hanu-
man as their leader started off and searched
everywhere in the Vindhya forests first.
तेषां तत्रैव वसतां स कालो व्यत्यवर्तत ।
उपविश्य महात्मानश्चिन्तामापेदिरे तदा ॥
Whilst they were staying there, the pres-
cribed period elapsed. Seating themselves,
these great ones took thought:
वयमाश्वयुजे मासि कालसंख्याव्यवस्थिताः ।
प्रस्थिताः सोऽपि चातीतः किमतः कार्यमुत्तरम् ॥
"We were sent out with instructions to
return within the month of Asvini. That
too has elapsed. What can be done by us
hereafter ?
इदानीमकृतार्थानां मर्तव्यं नात्र संशयः ।
हरिराजस्य सन्देशमकृत्वा कः सुखी भवेत् ॥
If we return without fulfilling our quest
there is no doubt that we must die. Who
indeed can live happily without carrying out
the orders of the king of monkeys?"