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After Sugriva had been installed and

after he (monkey) had entered his cave,

Rama came along with his brother to the

mountain Prasravana.

पाण्डुरं गगनं दृष्ट्वा विमलं चन्द्रमण्डलम् ।

शारदीं रजनीं चैव दृष्ट्वा ज्योत्स्नानुलेपनाम् ॥

अथ राजा समृद्धार्थः सुग्रीवः प्लवगाधिपः ।

उवाच नरशार्दूलं रामं परबलार्दनम् ॥

Seeing the sky white, the orb of the

moon spotless and the wintry night bathed

in moonlight, the well-satisfied king Sugriva,

the lord of the monkeys, said to Rama,

the best of men and the destroyer of hostile

hosts :

आगता वानरा घोरा दैत्यदानवसन्निभाः ।

निदेशवर्तिनस्सर्वे सर्वे गुरुहिते रताः ॥

"The monkeys are all come, formidable

equal to Daityas and Danavas, obedient to

our commands and devoted to the welfare

of their master.

अभिप्रेतमनुष्ठातुं तव शक्ष्यन्त्य रिन्दम ।

यन्मन्यसे नरव्याघ्र प्राप्तकालं तदुच्यताम् ॥