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Being thus addressed by Hanuman, the

wise Raghava, vanquisher of powerful ene-

mies and well versed in speech, replied thus

to Hanuman :

सुसमृद्धां गुहां रम्यां सुश्रीवो वानरर्षभः ।

प्रविष्टो विधिवद्वीरः क्षिप्रं राज्येऽभिषिच्यताम् ॥

"Let the heroic Sugriva, the foremost of

monkeys, enter this prosperous and pleasant

cave and be installed quickly, according to

rites, in this sovereignty."

एवमुक्त्वा हनूमन्तं रामः सुग्रीवमब्रवीत् ।

Having spoken to Hanuman thus, Rama

said to Sugriva :

इममप्यङ्गदं वीर यौवरराज्येऽभिषेचय ॥

'O hero, instal as Yuvaraja this Angada.

ज्येष्ठस्य स सुतो ज्येष्ठः सदृशो विक्रमेण ते ।

अङ्गदोऽयमदीनात्मा यौवराज्यस्य भाजनम् ॥

He is the eldest son of your elder brother.

He is equal to you in prowess. This Angada

of heroic spirit is indeed worthy of being
