2023-08-14 09:31:37 by jayusudindra
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प्रतिच्छन्नाश्च दृश्याश्च गृह्णन्ति सुबहून् मृगान् ॥
People catch, either concealed or openly,
many animals by various kinds of net,
noose and trap.
तस्मात्त्वं निहतो युद्धे मया बाणेन वानर ।
अयुध्यन् प्रतियुध्यन् वा यस्माच्छाखामृगो ह्यसि ॥
Therefore, O monkey, you were killed
by me in battle with an arrow; for,
whether not fighting or fighting indirectly,
you are only a monkey.
दुर्लभस्य च धर्मस्य जीवितस्य सुखस्य च ।
राजानो वानरश्रेष्ठ प्रदातारो न संशयः ॥
O best of monkeys, there is no doubt
that kings are the bestowers of righteous-
ness that is difficult to attain and of life
that is enjoyable.
तान्न हिंस्यान्न चाक्रोशेन्नाक्षिपेन्नाप्रियं वदेत् ।
देवा मनुष्यरूपेण चरन्त्येते महीतले ॥
Therefore, it does not behove anyone to
injure, to blame, to disregard or to speak
harshly to them. Indeed, they are gods
and walk on earth in the guise of men.