2023-02-21 17:40:45 by ambuda-bot
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ततोगृहीत्वा तद्वासः शुभान्याभरणानि च ।
परिदेवयितुं दीनं रामः समुपचक्रमे ॥
Then taking that garment and the auspi-
ciouss ornaments, Rama began to lament
bitterly ;
पश्य लक्ष्मण वैदेह्या संत्यक्तं ह्रियमाणया ।
उत्तरीयमिदं भूमौ शरीराद्भूषणानि च ॥
"O Lakshmana, see this upper garment
and these ornaments dropped from her
body by Sita on the ground when she was
carried away."
एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण लक्ष्मणो वाक्यमब्रवीत् ॥
Being told thus by Rama, Lakshmana
said these words :
नाहं जानामि केयूरे न च पश्यामि कुण्डले ।
नूपुरे त्वभिजानामि नित्यं पादाभिवन्दनात् ॥
"I cannot identify her bracelets nor have
I seen her ear-ornaments. But I can recog-
nice her anklets as I have constantly saluted
her feet."
ततः स राघवो दीनः सुग्रीव दब्रवीत् ॥
Then the disconsolate Raghava said thus
to Sugriva:
ततोगृहीत्वा तद्वासः शुभान्याभरणानि च ।
परिदेवयितुं दीनं रामः समुपचक्रमे ॥
Then taking that garment and the auspi-
ciouss ornaments, Rama began to lament
bitterly ;
पश्य लक्ष्मण वैदेह्या संत्यक्तं ह्रियमाणया ।
उत्तरीयमिदं भूमौ शरीराद्भूषणानि च ॥
"O Lakshmana, see this upper garment
and these ornaments dropped from her
body by Sita on the ground when she was
carried away."
एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण लक्ष्मणो वाक्यमब्रवीत् ॥
Being told thus by Rama, Lakshmana
said these words :
नाहं जानामि केयूरे न च पश्यामि कुण्डले ।
नूपुरे त्वभिजानामि नित्यं पादाभिवन्दनात् ॥
"I cannot identify her bracelets nor have
I seen her ear-ornaments. But I can recog-
nice her anklets as I have constantly saluted
her feet."
ततः स राघवो दीनः सुग्रीव दब्रवीत् ॥
Then the disconsolate Raghava said thus
to Sugriva: