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Hearing those words so well spoken by
Sugriva, he (Rama) took hold of his
(Sugriva's) hand in his with great delight.
ततोऽग्निं दीप्यमानं तौ चक्रतुश्च प्रदक्षिणम् ।
सुग्रीवो राघवश्चैव वयस्यत्वमुपागतौ ॥
Then they both, Rama and Sugriva went
round the blazing fire by the right side and
became friends.
ततः प्रहृष्टस्सुग्रीवः लक्ष्णं मधुरया गिरा ।
प्रत्युवाच तदा रामं हर्षव्याकुललोचनः ॥
Then, the delighted Sugriva, with eyes
agitated through joy, spoke to Rama in a
sweet and gentle voice:
अहं विनिकृतो राम चरामीह भयार्दितः ।
हृतभार्यो बने त्रस्तो दुर्गमेतदुपाश्रितः ।
"O Rama, being cheated, I wander here
tormented with fear. Deprived of my wife
and terror-stricken, I have sought refuge in
this fortress in the forest.
वालिनो मे महाभाग भयार्तस्याभयं कुरु ॥
O noble one, give me promise of safety
room Vali, of whom I am afraid."