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श्रुत्वा हनुमतो वाक्यं सुग्रीवो हृष्टमानसः ।

दर्शनीयतमो भूत्वा प्रीत्या प्रोवाच राघवम् ॥

Hearing the words of Hanuman, Sugriva,

being delighted, assumed a most pleasing

form and said with love to Raghava:

भवान् धर्मविनीतश्च विक्रान्तः सर्ववत्सलः ॥

"You are indeed well grounded in dhar-

ma and highly powerful and bear love to all.

तन्ममैवैष सत्कारो लाभश्चैवोत्तमः प्रभो ।

यत्त्वमिच्छसि सौहार्दं वानरेण मया सह ॥

O Lord, in as much as you seek alliance

with me who am a monkey, the honour and

the high advantage are mine.

रोचते यदि वा सख्यं बाहुरेष प्रसारितः ।

गृह्यतां पाणिना पाणिर्मर्यादा बध्यतां ध्रुवा ॥

If the alliance is to your liking here is my

out-stretched arm. Clasp hand with hand

and so let the understanding be made sure."

एतत्तु वचनं श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवेण सुभाषितम् ।

स प्रहृष्टमना हस्तं पीडयामास पाणिना ॥