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When alone, his wife was carried away
by a
Rakshasa, capable of assuming any
form at will.
When alone, his wife was carried away
nd it is not known who
that Rakshasa is,
by a Rakshasa, capawhom his wife has
ble of assuming any
form at will
een carried away. And it is not known who
that Rakshasa is, by whom his wife has
been carried away.

अहं चैव हि रामश्च सुग्रीवं शरण गतौ ।

Myself and Rama are indeed come to

Sugriva for refuge."

ततस्तु स महाप्राज्ञो हनुमान् मारुतात्मनःजः

पृष्टमारोप्य तौ वीरौ गत्वा तु मलयं गिरिम् ।

आचचक्षे तदा वीरौ कपिराजाय राघवौ ॥

Then that highly-wise Hanuman, son of

Vayu, mounted the two heroes on his back,

went to the Malaya mountain and announc-

ed the two heroic Raghavas to the king of

the monkeys :

अयं रामो महाप्राज्ञः संप्राप्तो दृढविक्रमः ।

लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा स त्वं शरणमागतः ॥

" Rama, the highly wise and of strong

prowess, is
arrived here with his brother
prowess, is

Lakshmana. He has come to you for help."