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Looking once again at the Pampa, full
of Lotuses and water-lilies,
ama, of true
valour, spoke these words to
Looking once again at the Pampa, full
of Lotuses and water-lilies, Rama, of true
O best of men meet Sugri
valour, spoke these words to Lakshmana:
O best of men meet Sugriva, the king
, the king
of monkeys.

राज्यभ्रष्टेन दीनेन तस्यामासक्तचेतसा ।

कथं मया विना शक्यं सीतां लक्ष्मण जीवितुम् ॥

O Lakshmana, how can I, deprived of

my kingdom and helpless and with my

heart fixed on her, live in the absence of
