2023-08-14 07:19:28 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
birds on the blazing pile, the righteous-
minded Rama cremated him with grief as
(he would) his own relation.
ततो गोदावरीं गत्वा नदीं नरवरात्मजौ ।
स्नात्वा तौ गृध्रराजाय उदकं चक्रतुस्तदा ॥
Then, proceeding to the river Godavari,
the two princes bathed and offered water-
libations there to the lord of the vultures.
तयोरन्वेषतोरेवं सर्वं तद्वनमोजसा ।
संजज्ञे विपुलः शब्दः प्रभञ्जन्निव तद्वनम् ॥
As they were thus searching the forest
with all their ability, a terrible sound
arose, as if bursting the forest.
अथ तौ समभिकम्य कोशमात्रे ददर्शतुः ।
महान्तं दारुणं भीमं कबन्
Then going forward, they saw, at a dis-
tance of just one krosa a Kabandha
(headless person) huge, terrible, fearful and
of outstretched arms.
स महाबाहुरत्यर्थं प्रसार्य विपुलौ भुजौ ।
विदार्यास्यं तदा रौद्रस्तौ भक्षयितुमारभत् ॥