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त्वरमाणो जगामाथ सीतादर्शनलालसः ।

शून्यमावसथं दृष्ट्वा बभूवोद्विग्नमानसः ॥

In haste, he went being eager to see Sita.

And seeing the abode empty, he became

very much distressed in mind.

सीतामपश्यन् धर्मात्मा कामोपहतचेतनः ।

विललाप महाबाहू रामः कमललोचनः ॥

Not seeing Sita, the righteous-minded

Rama, of lotus-like eyes and mighty arms,

lamented, with his mind afflicted with love.

तं तथा परितापार्तं लक्ष्मणो राममब्रवीत् ॥

To Rama, who was thus being afflicted

with distress, Lakshmana said :

सन्तीह गिरिदुर्गाणि निर्दराः कन्दराणि च ।

गुहाश्च विविधा घोरा नानाद्रुमगणाकुलाः ।

आवासाः किन्नराणां च गन्धर्वभवनानि च ।

तानि युक्तो मया सार्धं त्वमन्वेषितुमर्हसि ॥

"Here are many forest strongholds,

clefts of rocks, many fearful caves full of

various clumps of trees, the abodes of

Kinnaras as well as the mansions of the

Gandharvas. It is meet that along with me

you should search all the places.