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Seeing him (vulture), the
hipped Sita, being in the grip of Ravana,
and overcome by fear, screamed aloud in
a voice choked with distress:
जटायो पश्य मामार्य हियमाणामनाथवत् ।
अनेन राक्षसेन्द्रेण करुणं पापकर्मणा ॥
"O noble Jatayu, behold me, carried
away pitiably like a helpless creature, by
this wicked king of the Rakshasas.
नैष वारयितुं शक्यस्तव क्रूरो निशाचरः ।
सत्त्ववान् जितकाशी च सायुधश्चैव दुर्मतिः ॥
You cannot stop this cruel demon; he
is mighty, of overpowering aspect, fully
armed, and of evil intent.
रामाय तु यथातत्त्वं जटायो हरणं मम ।
लक्ष्मणाय च तत् सर्वम् आख्यातव्यमशेषतः ॥
O Jatayu, my being carried away
should be told to Rama and to Lakshmana
as it happened, wholly and without keep-
ing anything back."
तं शब्दमवसुतस्तु जटायुरथ शुश्रुवे ।
निरीक्ष्य रावणं क्षिप्रं वैदेहीं च ददर्श सः ॥