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O Lord, surely this deer-form will be a

source of wonderment to Bharata, to you,

to my mothers-in-law, and to myself."

लोभितस्तेन रूपेण सीतया च प्रचोदितः ।

उवाच राघवो हृष्टो भ्रातरं लक्ष्मण वचः ॥

Allured by its form and being instiga-

ted by Sita, the delighted Raghava said

these words to his brother Lakshmana :

पश्य लक्ष्मण वैदेह्याः स्पृहां मृगगता मिमाम् ।

कस्य नामाभिरूपोऽसौ न मनो लोभयेन्मृगः ॥

"O Lakshmana, behold the desire of

Sita for this deer. Whose heart would

not this beautiful deer allure?

इह त्वं भव सन्नद्धो यन्त्रितो रक्ष मैथिलीम् ।

यावद्गच्छामि सौमित्रे मृगमानयितुं द्रुतम् ॥

Stay here armed and alert, and protect

Maithili, while I go, O Lakshmana, to

bring the deer quickly."

तथा तु तं समादिश्य भ्रातरं रघुनन्दनः ।

बद्धा सिर्धनुरादाय प्रदुद्राव यतो मृगः ॥