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स रावणवचः श्रुत्वा मारीचो राक्षसस्तदा ।

मृगो भूत्वाऽऽश्रमद्वारि रामस्य विचचार ह ॥

Then on hearing the words of Ravana,

the Rakshasa Maricha became a deer and

wandered about near the door of Rama's


सा तं संप्रेक्ष्य सुश्रोणी कुसुमान्यपचिन्वती ।

हैमराजतवर्णाभ्यां पार्श्वाभ्यामुपशोभितम् ।

भर्तारमभिचक्रन्द लक्ष्मणं चापि सायुधम् ॥

Seeing that animal resplendent on

both sides with the colours of silver and

gold, Sita of beautiful hips, who was

gathering flowers, called out to her hus-

band and also to the armed Lakshmana.

तयाऽऽहूतौ नरव्याघ्रौ तदा ददृशतुर्मृगम् ।

शङ्कमानस्तु तं दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मणो वाक्यमब्रवीत् ॥

The two foremost men, being called by

her, then saw the deer. Lakshmana who

had a misgiving on seeing it, spoke these

words :

तमेवैनमहं मन्ये मारीच राक्षसं मृगम् ।

मृगो ह्येवंविधो रत्नविचित्रो नास्ति राघव ।

जगत्यां जगतीनाथ मायैषा हि न संशयः ॥