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akshasa, I do not ask you about

merit or demerit nor about what is

appropriate for me. O you of unmeasured

valour, I have spoken to you thus far.

In this great attempt of mine, you should

give me help.

सौवर्णस्त्वं मृगो भूत्वा सीतायाः प्रमुखे चर ।

आनयैनमिति क्षिप्रं रामं वक्ष्यति मैथिली ।

अपक्रान्ते तु काकुत्स्थे दूरं यात्वा व्युदाहर ।

हा सीते लक्ष्मणेत्येवं रामवाक्यानुरूपकम् ॥

Transformed into a
golden deer, move
about in front of Sita.
Sita will say to
Rama, bring
golden deer, move
Sita will say to
him quickly.' When

Kakutstha has left her, go very far, and

cry out in a voice, similar to that of

Rama: 'Ah, Sita, Ah, Lakshmana.'

न चेत् करोषि मारीच हन्मि त्वामहमद्य वै ।

राज्ञो हि प्रतिकूलस्थो न जातु सुखमेधते ॥

O Maricha, if you do not do this, I will

kill you even now. Verily, one that

is opposed to the king never comes to

any good."