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रामस्य तु प्रिया नित्यं भर्तुः प्रियहिते रता।

सीता नाम वरारोहा वैदेही तनुमध्यमा ॥

And the daughter of the king of the

Videhas, Sita, by name, of beautiful

waist, and well-shaped buttocks, is

Rama's beloved wife, constantly devoted

to the welfare of her lord.

तवानुरूपा भार्या स्यात् त्वं च तस्यास्तथा पतिः ।

भार्यार्थे च तवानेतुमुद्यताऽहं वराननाम् ।

विरूपिताऽस्मि कूक्रूरेण लक्ष्मणेन महाभुज ॥

She would be a fit wife to you and you

would be a fit husband to her. O thou of

mighty arms, I, who
endeavoured to

bring that best da
mighty arsel to you for wife,
have been
ms, I, who
bring that best da
utilated by that cruel
msel to you for wife,
have been mutilated by that cruel

यदि तस्यामभिप्रायो भार्यार्थे तव जायते ।

विज्ञायेहात्मशक्तिं च ह्रियतामबला बलात् ॥

O Lord of the Rakshasas, if you desire

her for wife, consider well your own

prowess and bring
the weak woman
prowess and bring

away by force."

ततः शूर्पणखावाक्यं तच्छ्रुत्वा रोमहर्षणम् ।

सचिवानभ्यनुज्ञाय कृत्वा निश्चयमात्मनः ।

ददर्श नियताहारं मारीचं नाम राक्षसम् ॥