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रामस्य तु प्रिया नित्यं भर्तुः प्रियहिते रता।
सीता नाम वरारोहा वैदेही तनुमध्यमा ॥
And the daughter of the king of the
Videhas, Sita, by name, of beautiful
waist, and well-shaped buttocks, is
Rama's beloved wife, constantly devoted
to the welfare of her lord.
तवानुरूपा भार्या स्यात् त्वं च तस्यास्तथा पतिः ।
भार्यार्थे च तवानेतुमुद्यताऽहं वराननाम् ।
विरूपिताऽस्मि कूरेण लक्ष्मणेन महाभुज ॥
She would be a fit wife to you and you
would be a fit husband to her. O thou of
endeavoured to
mighty arms, I, who
bring that best damsel to you for wife,
have been mutilated by that cruel
यदि तस्यामभिप्रायो भार्यार्थ तव जायते ।
विज्ञायेहात्मशक्तिं च ह्रियतामबला बलात् ॥
O Lord of the Rakshasas, if you desire
her for wife, consider well your own
the weak woman
prowess and bring
away by force."
ततः शूर्पणखावाक्यं तच्छ्रुत्वा रोमहर्षणम् ।
सचिवानभ्यनुज्ञाय कृत्वा निश्चयमात्मनः ।
ददर्श नियताहारं मारीचं नाम राक्षसम् ॥