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This very
moment I will eat this

woman while you are looking on. I shall

roam about with you, happily and with-

out a rival."

इमां विरूपामसतीम् अतिमत्तां महोदरीम् ।

राक्षसीं पुरुषव्याघ्र विरूपयितुमर्हसि ।

इत्युक्तो लक्ष्मणस्तस्याः क्रुद्धो रामस्य पार्श्वतः ।

उद्धृत्य खड्गं चिच्छेद कर्णनासं महाबलः ।

"O best of men, you should disfigure

this ugly, unchaste, haughty and big-

bellied demoness."

Being thus addressed, Lakshmana, who

was angry, of great strength and stand-

ing by Ramas's side, drew out the sword

and cut off her ears and nose.

भगिनीं क्रोधसंतप्तः खरः पप्रच्छ राक्षसः ।

व्यक्तमाख्याहि केन त्वम् एवंरूपा विरूपिता ॥

The Rakshasa, Khara, being highly

enraged, asked his sister :
"Tell me

clearly, by whom have you been disfigur-

ed in this manner ?

कः कृष्णसर्पमासीनम् आशीविषमनागसम् ।

तुदत्यभिसमापन्नमङ्गुल्ग<flag></flag>यग्रेण लीलया ॥