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The demoness of ugly aspect, being
impelled by passion, spoke these words
to Rama, of comely appearance and dark
as the blue-lotus.
जटी तापसरूपेण सभार्य: शरचापधृत् ।
आगतस्त्वमिमं देशं कथं राक्षससेवितम् ॥
"Why are you come with your wife to
this region, inhabited by Rakshasas, you
who, in the garb of an ascetic, are wear-
ing matted locks and carry bow and
arrows ?
अहं शूर्पणखा नाम राक्षसी कामरूपिणीं ।
चिराय भव मे भर्ता न चेयं सदृशी तव ॥
I am a demoness, Surpanakha by name,
capable of assuming any form at will. For
long, be my husband; this woman is not
fit for you.
अहमेवानुरूपा ते भार्यारूपेण पश्य माम् ॥
I alone am suited to you. Look on me
as a wife.
अद्येमां भक्षयिष्यामि पश्यतस्तव मानुषीम् ।
त्वया सह चरिष्यामि निस्सपत्ना यथासुखम् ॥