2023-08-13 09:55:44 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
निर्वैरं क्रियतें मोहात् तच्च ते समुपस्थितम् ॥
The third is about to happen to you-
the thoughtless and cruel killing of
creatures without enmity.
अग्निसंयोगवद्धेतुः शस्त्रसंयोग उच्यते ।
स्नेहाच्च बहुमानाच्च स्मारये त्वां न शिक्षये ॥
They say contact with a weapon is the
cause of
cause of change (in the nature of the
wearer) as
rer as ch
change (in the nature of the
contact with fire is the cause
of a change (in the nature of a substance).
Because of my love (for you) and your
reagard (for me) I remind you, but do not
teach you.
न कथञ्चन सा कार्या गृहीतधनुषा त्वया ।
बुद्धिर्वैरं विना हन्तुं राक्षसान् दण्डकाश्रितान् ॥
Under no circumstances should a re-
solution be made by you, wielder of a
bow, to kill the Rakshasas dwelling in
Dandaka without provocation.
क्षत्रियाणां तु वीराणां
धनुषा कार्यमेतावदार्तानामभिरक्षणम् ॥