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अयं धर्मः सुसूक्ष्मेण विधिना प्राप्यते महान् ।

निवृत्तेन तु शक्योऽयं व्यसनात् कामजादिह ॥

The great path of righteousness is

attainable only indeed through a very

strait line of conduct. But it is attainable

here below by one who abstains from all

evils begotten of desire.

त्रीण्येव व्यसनान्यत्र कामजानि भवन्त्युत ।

मिथ्यावाक्यं परमकं तस्माद्गुरुतरावुभौ ।

परदाराभिगमनं विना वैरं च रौद्रता ।

Verily only three evils, born of passion,

exist here (in this world). Uttering a

falsehood is the first. The two others,

which are more heinous, are intercourse

with another man's wife and the infliction

of cruelty in the absence of enmity.

भिथ्यावाक्यं न ते भूतं न भविष्यति राधव ।

कुतोऽभिलाषणं स्त्रीणां परेषां धर्मनाशनम् ॥

O Raghava, uttering a falsehood has

never happened to you nor will it ever.

Whence the possibility of your desiring

other people's wives, which indeed is the

destroyer of righteousness?