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भवतामर्थसिद्धयर्थम् आगतोऽहं यदृच्छया ।

तस्य मेऽयं वने वासो भविष्यति महाफलः ॥

"By chance have I come here to fulfil

your desires. To me, this sojourn in the

forest will be highly fruitful.

तपस्विनां रणे शत्रून् हन्तुमिच्छामि राक्षसान्।

पश्यन्तु वीर्यमृषयस्सभ्रातुर्मे तपोधनाः ॥

I do desire to kill in battle the enemies
of the asetics.
I do desire to kill in battle the enemies
Let the penance-loving

sages see the valour of myself and my


ततस्तदिक्ष्वाकुवरौ सन्ततं विविधैर्दुमैः ।

काननं तौ विविशतुः सीतया सह राघवौ ।

आबद्ध्य च शुभे तूणी चापौ चादाय सम्स्वनौ ॥

Then these two famous Ikshvakus

(Rama and Lakshmana) along with Sita,

entered the forest full of various trees,

after trying the auspicious quivers and

taking the resounding bows.

हृद्यया स्निग्धया वाचा भर्तारमिदमब्रवीत् ॥

With loving and moving words, Sita

spoke thus to her husband: