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सोऽत्रेराश्रममासाद्य तं ववन्दे महायशाः ।

तं चापि भगवानत्रिः पुत्रवत् प्रत्यपद्यत ।

Reaching the hermitage of Atri, Rama

of great fame saluted him. The venerable

Atri also received him as a son.

तामत्रिपत्नीं धर्मज्ञाम् अभिचक्राम मैथिली ।

And Sita met Atri's wife, well-versed

in dharma.

न्यवेदयत्ततः सर्वं सीता रामाय मैथिली ।

प्रीतिदानं तपस्विन्या वसनाभरणस्रजाम् ॥

Then Sita, the daughter of the king of

Mithila, informed Rama of everything,

the loving present made by the ascetic

Anasuya, of cloths. ornaments and


तस्यां राज्त्र्यां व्यतीतायाम् अभिषिच्य हुताग्निकान् ।

आपृच्छेतां नरव्याघ्रौ तापसान् वनगोचरान् ॥

When the night was over, the two best

of men, Rama and Lakshmana, took

leave of the ascetic forest-dewellers who

had worshipped the kindled fire after

their bath.