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Promising him accordingly and em-

bracing him and Satrughna, Rama spoke

thus to Bharata :

मातरं रक्ष कैकेयीं मा रोषं कुरु तां प्रति ।

.मया च सीतया चैव शप्तोऽसि रघुसत्तम ॥

"Protect your mother Kaikeyi.
Do not
give way to anger against her.
O best of
Raghus, you are pledged to this by me

and by Sita."

इत्युक्त्तवाऽश्रुपरिताक्षो भ्रातरं विससर्ज ह ॥

Saying this and with eyes full of tears,

he set free Bharata.
Do not
best of

ततः शिरसि कृत्वा तु पादुके भरतस्तदा ।

स्निग्धगम्भीरघोषेण स्यन्दनेनोपयान् प्रभुः ।

अयोध्यां भरतः क्षिप्रं प्रविवेश महायशाः ॥

Then, placing the sandals on his head,

the lordly Bharata of great fame, jour-

neyed in his chariot, which made a

pleasant and deep noise, and soon

entered Ayodhya.

ततो निक्षिप्य मातृः स अयोध्यायां दृढव्रतः ।

रामागमनमाकाङ्क्षन् भरतो भ्रातृवत्सलः ।

पादुके त्वभिषिच्याथ नन्दिग्रामेऽवसत्तदा ॥