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साधु राघव मा भूत्ते बुद्धिरेवं निरथिंर्थिका ।

प्राकृतस्य नरस्येव ह्यार्यबुद्धेर्मनस्विनः ॥

"O Raghava, let not by any means the

mind of one like you who are wise and

good, be devoid of purpose like that of

an ordinary man.

पित्र्यं राज्यं परिस्यज्य स नार्हसि नरोत्तम ।

आस्थातुं कापथं दुःखं विषमं बहुकण्टकम् ॥

O best of men, you must not abandon

the hereditary kingdom and adopt this

bad course with ups and downs, full of

thorns, and causing misery."

जाबालेस्तु वचश्श्रुत्वा रामस्सत्यवतां वरः ।

उवाच परया सूत्तया स्वबुद्ध्या चाविपन्नया ॥

Hearing the words of Jabali, Rama, the
foremost of those rooted in truth, said in

foremost of those rooted in truth, said in
proper speech, being unshaken in mind :

भवान् मे प्रियकामार्थं वचनं यदिहोक्तवान् ।

अकार्यं कार्यसङ्काशमपथ्यं पथ्यसंमितम् ॥

"What you have now said for the

attainment of my good is indeed unworthy