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यद्विना भरतं त्वां च शत्रुघ्नं चापि मानद ।

भवेन्मम सुखं किञ्चिद्भस्म तत् कुरुतां शिखी ॥

O fountain of honour, may fire consume

to ashes anything which may bring me

happiness if it is without Bharata, your-

self and Satrughna!

मन्येऽहमागतोऽयोध्यां भरतो भ्रातृवत्सलः ।

मम प्राणात् प्रियतरः कुलधर्ममनुस्मरन् ।

श्रुत्वा प्रत्व्राजितं मां हि जटावल्कलधारिणम् ।

जानक्या सहितं वीर त्वया च पुरुषर्षभ ।

स्नेहेनाक्रान्तहृदयः शोकेनाकुलितेन्द्रियः ।

द्रष्टुमभ्यागतो ह्येष भरतो नान्यथाऽऽगतः ॥

O hero and best of men, I think, that

Bharata who loves his brothers and is

dearer to me than my own life, having

arrived at Ayodhya and remembering
the law of our family and hearing of the

the law of our family and hearing of the
banishment of myself wearing matted

locks and bark garments along with Sita

and yourself, – Bharata, with his heart

full of affection and with his faculties

agitated through sorrow, is come indeed

to see us. He is not come for any other
