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Seeing the elephants running and
hearing that great sound,
ama said to
Lakshmana of flaming effulgence, the son
Seeing the elephants running
hearing that great sound, Rama said to
Lakshmana of flaming effulgence, the son
of S
umitra :

हन्त लक्ष्मण पश्येह तुमुलश्रूयते ध्वनिः ॥

O Lakshmana, see here. A tumultu-

ous sound is heard."

स लक्ष्मणः सन्त्वरितः सालमारुह्य पुष्पितम् ।

शशंस सेनां रामाय वचनं चेदमब्रवीत् ।

Then Lakshmana climbed quickly up a

blossoming Sala tree and saw an army.

And he spoke to Rama these words:

सज्यं कुरुष्व चापं च शरांश्च कवचं तथा ।

संपन्नं राज्यमिच्छस्तु व्यक्तं प्राप्याभिषेचनम् ।

आवां हन्तुं समभ्येति कैकेय्या भरतस्सुतः ॥

String the bow and make ready the

arrows and the armour. Having been

anointed, and desiring to have the king-

dom safe (from rival claimants) Bharata,

son of Kaikeyi, is approaching to kill

both of us.

यन्निमितं भवान् राज्याच्च्युतो राघव शाश्वतात् ।

संप्राप्तोऽयमरिर्वीर भरतो वध्य एव मे ।