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O cruel misbehaving Kaikayi, you shall

forfeit the kingdom, and being lost to

dharma, shall mourn me as dead.

किन्नु तेऽदूषयद्राजा रामो वा भृशधार्मिकः ।

ययोर्मृत्युर्विवासश्च त्वत्कृते तुल्यमागतौ ॥

What harm did the king or the highly

righteous-minded Rama do unto you, that

on account of you, death and exile have

at the same moment come to them?

मातृरूपे ममामित्रे नृशंसे राज्यकामुके ।

न तेऽहभिभाष्योऽस्मि दुर्वृत्ते पतिघातिनि ॥

O enemy in the guise of mother, cruel

and wicked one, greedy of sovereignty,

slayer of husband, you don't deserve to
have speech with me
have speech with me.

किं नावबुध्यसे कूक्रूरे नियतं बन्धुसंश्रयम् ।

ज्येष्ठं पितृसमं रामं कौसल्यायाऽऽत्मसंभवम् ॥

O cruel one, have you not understood

my eldest brother Rama, Kausalya's son

who is always the refuge of relatives and

like a father to me ?