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behaved towards you in the ideal way,

just as (he would have behaved) towards.

his mother.

तथा ज्येष्ठा हि मे माता कौसल्या दीर्घदर्शिनी ।

त्वयि धर्मं समास्थाय भगिन्यामिव वर्तते ॥

Similarly, my eldest mother Kausalya,

far-sighted and firmly rooted in dharma,

has behaved towards you as towards a


तस्याः पुत्रं कृतात्मानं चीरवल्कलवाससम् ।

प्रस्थाप्य वनवासाय कथं पापे न शोचसि ॥

O sinful one, how is it that you don't

regret having sent to the forest-life her

son, of great self-restraint, clad in bark

garments ?

लुब्धाया विदितो मन्ये न तेऽहं राघवं प्रति ।

तथा ह्यनर्थो राज्यार्थं त्वयाऽऽनीतो महानयम् ॥

I think, it was not known to you, who

are covetous, how I am towards Raghava.

Therefore, on account of your love of

sovereignty for me such a great calamity

has been wrought by you.