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स स्ववृत्तिं समास्थाय पिता ते तत्तथाऽकरोत् ।

रामश्च सहसौमित्रिः प्रेषितस्सीतया सह ॥

Your father, fulfilling his promise, did

it accordingly. Rama, along with Laksh-

mana and Sita, was banished.

तमपश्यन् प्रियं पुत्रं महीपालो महायशाः ।

पुत्रशोकपरिद्यूनः पञ्चत्वमुपपेदिवान् ॥

Not seeing his beloved son, the great

king of great fame withered with grief for

his son and faded away.

त्वया त्विदानीं धर्मज्ञ राजत्वमवलम्ब्यताम् ।

त्वत्कृते हि मया सर्वमिदमेवंविधं कृतम् ॥

O knower of righteousness, let the

sovereignty be now assumed by you.
is for your sake that all this was done
be now assumed by youy me. It
is for your sake that all this was done
thus by me.

मा शोकं मा च सन्तापं धैर्यमाश्रय पुत्रक ।

त्वदधीना हि नगरी राज्यं चैतदनामयम् ॥

O son, hold fast, not to sorrow or

penitence, but to courage. For the city is

at your command as well as the kingdom

which is free from disorder.