2023-08-12 08:31:25 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
out fire and had gone to heaven, the
ministers then placed him in a vessel of
न तु संकालनं राज्ञो विना पुत्रेण मन्त्रिणः ।
सर्वज्ञाः कर्तुमी
The all-knowing ministers did not like
to have the funeral rites of the king per-
formed without his son. And so they
preserved the (body of the) king.
व्यतीतायां तु शर्वर्यामादित्यस्योदये ततः ।
समेत्य राजकर्तारः पृथग्वाचमुदीरयन् ।
वसिष्ठमेवाभिमुखाः श्रेष्ठं राजपुरोहितम् ॥
Then when the night was over and the
sun had arisen, the men who were experts
in the kingly matters, assembled together
and each spoke
Vasishtha, the king's preceptor :
"Let some one from the Ikshvakus be
appointed immediately as king.
राजा सत्यं च धर्मश्च राजा कुलवतां कुलम् ।
राजा माता पिता चैव राजा हितकरो नृणाम् ॥