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Seeing the king who was like a burnt-

out fire and had gone to heaven, the

ministers then placed him in a vessel of


न तु संकालनं राज्ञो विना पुत्रेण मन्त्रिणः ।

सर्वज्ञाः कर्तुमीपुषुस्ते ततो रक्षन्ति भूमिपम् ॥

The all-knowing ministers did not like

to have the funeral rites of the king per-

formed without his son. And so they

preserved the (body of the) king.

व्यतीतायां तु शर्वर्यामादित्यस्योदये ततः ।

समेत्य राजकर्तारः पृथग्वाचमुदीरयन् ।

वसिष्ठमेवाभिमुखाः श्रेष्ठं राजपुरोहितम् ॥

Then when the night was over and the

sun had arisen, the men who were experts

in the kingly matters, assembled together

and each spoke
facing the great

Vasishtha, the king's preceptor :

इक्ष्वाकृकूणा मिहाद्यैव कश्चिद्राज। विधीयताम् ॥

"Let some one from the Ikshvakus be

appointed immediately as king.

राजा सत्यं च धर्मश्च राजा कुलवतां कुलम् ।

राजा माता पिता चैव राजा हितकरो नृणाम् ॥