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एवमुक्ताः स्त्रियस्सर्वाःवाःं सुमन्त्रेण नृपाज्ञया ।

कौसल्यां परिवार्याथ शनैर्ज ग्मुर्घृ त्व्रताः ॥

Addressed accordingly by Sumantra,

at the king's mandate, all the pious ladies,

gathering round Kausalya, went slowly.

स सूतो राममादाय लक्ष्मणं मैथिलीं तदा ।

जगामाभिमुखस्तूर्णं सकाशं जगतीपतेः ॥

Then the charioteer, leading Rama,

Lakshmana and Sita, went quickly to the

proximity of the king.

सोऽभिदुद्राव वेगेन रामं दृष्ट्वा विशां पतिः ।

तमसंप्राप्य दुःखार्तः पपात भुवि मूर्च्छितः ॥

Seeing Rama, that lord of the quarters
went forward with great

went forward with great
Without reaching him and afflicted

with distress, he fell down on the earth


तं रामोऽभ्यपतत् क्षिप्रं लक्ष्मणश्च महारथः ।

विसंज्ञमिव दुःखेन सशोकं नृपतिं तदा ॥

Rama and the great chariot-warrior

Lakshmana came quickly to the sorrow-
was unconscious

ing king, who
was unconscious on
account of distress.