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भवांस्तु सह वैदेह्या गिरिसानुषु रंस्यते ।

अहं सर्वं करिष्यामि जाग्रतः स्वपतश्च ते ॥

You shall enjoy your time along with

Sita on the summits of hills. I will do

everything whilst you are awake or


रामस्त्वनेन वाक्येन सुप्रीतः प्रत्युवाच तम् ॥

व्रजापृच्छस्व सौमित्रे सर्वमेव सुहृज्जनम् ॥

Rama, being extremely delighted with

this speech, replied to him thus : O son

of Sumitra, go, take leave of all friends."

दत्त्वा तु सह वैदेह्या ब्राह्मणेभ्यो धनं बहु ।

जग्मतुः पितरं द्रष्टुं सीतया सह राघवौ ॥

After disbursing, along with Sita, great

wealth among the Brahmins, the two

Raghavas (Rama and Lakshmana) along

with Sita, went to see their father.

ततः कमलपत्राक्षः श्यामो निरुपमो महान् ।

उवाच रामस्तं सूतं पितुराख्यहि मामिति ॥

Then the great, lotus-leaf-eyed, blue,

peerless Rama spoke to the charioteer:

' Announce me to my father.'