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तवैव तेजसा वीर भरतः पालयिष्यति ।

कौसल्यां च सुमित्रां च प्रयतो नात्र संशयः ॥

"O hero, through your power, the

zealous Bharata will protect Kausalya and

Sumitra. Of this there is no doubt.

कुरुष्व मामनुचरं वैधर्म्यं नेह विद्यते ।

कृतार्थोऽहं भविष्यामि तव चार्थः प्रकल्पते ॥

Make me your follower. In this, there

is no transgression of duty. I shall have

attained my desire and your interest also

will be served.

धनुरादाय सशरं खनित्रपिटकाधरः ।

अग्रतस्ते गमिष्यामि पन्थानमनुदर्शयन् ॥

Taking the bow and arrow and

bearing the hoe and the basket, I shall

proceed in ront of you pointing out the


आहरिष्यामि ते नित्यं मूलानि च फलानि च ।

वन्यानि यानि चान्यानि स्वाहाराणि तपस्विनाम् ॥

I shall daily gather roots and fruits for
you and other things of the forest that

you and other things of the forest that
are good food suited to ascetics.