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AYODHYAn obtaining his kingdom, Bharata
being dominated by kaikeyi, will not
obtaining his kingdom, Bharata
being dominated by kaikeyi, will not
remember K
ausalya or Sumitra, suffering

from great distress.

सौमित्रे भर कौसल्यामुक्तमर्थमिमं चर ।

O son of Sumitra, take care of Kausalya.

Fulfil this which I have said.

एवं च मम ते भक्तिर्भविष्यति सुदर्शिता ।

धर्मज्ञ गुरुपूजायां धर्मश्चाप्यतुलो महान् ॥

In this way will your devotion to me

be properly shown. O Knower of Dharma,

the merit involved in the adoration of

elders is indeed incomparably great.

एवं कुरुष्व सौमित्रे मत्कृते खुरघुनन्दन ।

अस्माभिर्विप्रहीणाया मातुर्नो न भवेत् सुखम् ॥

O son of Sumitra, delight of the
Raghus, act thus for my sake.
To our
O son of Sumitra, delight of the
Raghus, act thus for my sake.
mother, bereft of us, there will not be any

mother, bereft of us, there will not be any

एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण लक्ष्मण: श्लक्ष्णया गिरा।

प्रत्युवाच तदा रामं वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यकोविदम् ॥

Being thus addressed by Rama, Laksh-

mana, well-versed in speech, then replied

in gentle words to Rama expert in speech :