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deserves respectful treatment from you to

whom duty is above everything.

वन्दितव्याश्च ते नित्यं याः शेषा मम मातरः ।

स्नेहप्रणयसंभोगैः समा हि मम मातरः ॥

My other mothers too deserve to be

honoured always by you.
For to me my

mothers are all alike in
respect of

friendship, love and enjoyments.

सा त्वं वसेह कल्याणि राज्ञः समनुवर्तिनी ।

भरतस्य रता धर्मे सत्यव्रतपरायणा ॥

O good one, following the mandates of

king Bharata, live here devoted to righte-

ousness and practising the vow of truth."

एवमुक्ता तु वैदेही प्रियार्हा प्रियवादिनी ।

प्रणयादेव संक्रुद्धा भर्तारमिदमब्रवीत् ॥

Being thus addressed, Sita worthy of

love and speaker of sweet words but being

angered because of the very love, spoke

to her husband thus :

किमिदं भाषसे राम वाक्यं लघुतया ध्रुवम् ॥

"O Rama, why do you make a sure

statement of which the levity is obvious ?