2023-08-12 06:59:05 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
whom duty is above everything.
वन्दितव्याश्च ते नित्यं याः शेषा मम मातरः ।
स्नेहप्रणयसंभोगैः समा हि मम मातरः ॥
My other mothers too deserve to be
honoured always by you.
mothers are all alike in
friendship, love and enjoyments.
सा त्वं वसेह कल्याणि राज्ञः समनुवर्तिनी ।
भरतस्य रता धर्मे सत्यव्रतपरायणा ॥
O good one, following the mandates of
king Bharata, live here devoted to righte-
ousness and practising the vow of truth."
एवमुक्ता तु वैदेही प्रियार्हा प्रियवादिनी ।
प्रणयादेव संक्रुद्धा भर्तारमिदमब्रवीत् ॥
Being thus addressed, Sita worthy of
love and speaker of sweet words but being
angered because of the very love, spoke
to her husband thus :
किमिदं भाषसे राम वाक्यं लघुतया ध्रुवम् ॥
"O Rama, why do you make a sure
statement of which the levity is obvious ?