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0 Queen, in all offerings to the fire, the
gods as well as Brahmins of excellent
pious habits should be worshipped with
flowers for my welfare.
Thus do you look forward to the time
of my return.
एवमुक्ता तु कौसल्या रामं वचनमब्रवीत् ॥
Being thus addressed, Kausalya spoke
these words to Rama:
गमने सुकृतां बुद्धिं न ते शक्नोमि पुत्रक ।
विनिवर्तयितुं वीर नूनं कालो दुरत्ययः ।
"O heroic son of mine, I am not able
to turn you from your great resolve to
depart (to the forest). Verily, Destiny is
गच्छेदानीं महाबाहो क्षेमेण पुनरागतः ।
नन्दयिष्यसि मां पुत्र साम्ना वाक्येन चारुणा ॥
● son of mighty-arms, go then.
Returning safely, you will gladden me by
your charming and smoothing words.
अपीदानीं स कालः स्याद्वनात् प्रत्यागतं पुनः ।
यत्त्वां पुत्रक पश्येयं जटावरकलधारिणम् ॥