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कथं ह्येतदसंभ्रान्तस्त्वद्विधो वक्तुमर्हति ।

यथा दैवमशौण्डीरं शौण्डीर क्षत्रियर्षभ ।

"O hero, best of Kshatriyas, who that

is not deluded, will speak like you exalting

Destiny as if infallible ?

किं नाम कृपणं दैवमशक्तमभिशंसतिसि

पापयोस्ते कथं नाम तयोः शङ्का न विद्यते ॥

Why do you exalt Destiny which is

powerless and impotent? Why does no

doubt arise as to the actions of these two

wicked people (Dasaratha and Kaikeyi)"?

तं समीक्ष्य त्ववहितं पितुनिर्देशपालने ।

उवाच परमार्ता तु कौसल्या पुत्रवत्सला ॥

Seeing him thus intent in the fulfilment

of his father's command, Kausalya, greatly

devoted to her son and being grieved excee-

dingly, said :

आसां राम सपत्नीनां वस्तुं मध्ये न मे क्षमम् ।

नय मामपि काकुत्स्थ वनं वन्यां मृगीं यथा ।

यदि ते गमने बुद्धिः कृता पितुरपेक्षया ॥