2023-08-12 06:28:11 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
in withholding of the kingdom that had
been given, we must see only (the doing of)
कैकेय्याः प्रतिपत्तिर्हि कथं स्यान्मम पीडने ।
यदि भावो न दैवोऽयं कृतान्तविहितो भवेत् ॥
How could Kaikeyi's resolve to injure
me come about, if that desire had not been
caused by fate and of divine origin?
जानासि हि यथा सौम्य न मातृषु ममान्तरम् ।
भूतपूर्वM विशेषो वा तस्या मयि सुतेऽपि वा ।
Gentle boy, you know that no distinc-
tion has ever been made by me among the
mothers : nor has she (Kaikeyi) made any
distinction till now between me and her
कच्चिद्दैवेन सौमित्रे योद्धुमुत्सहते पुमान् ।
यस्य न ग्रहणं किञ्चित् वर्मणोऽन्यत्र दृश्यते ॥
O Son of Sumitra, can any man fight
with Destiny, whose grip is not to be seen
except through his deed?
सुखदुःखे भयक्रोधौ लाभालाभौ भवाभवौ ।
यच्च किञ्चित्तथाभूतं ननु दैवस्य मर्म तत् ॥