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अहं हि सीतां राज्यं च प्राणानिष्टान् धनानि च ।
हृष्टो भ्रात्रे स्वयं दद्यां भरतायाप्रचोदितः ॥
For the sake of Bharata, without being
asked, I should with pleasure give up
Sita, the kingdom, my precious life and
किं पुनर्मनुजेन्द्रेण स्वयं पित्रा प्रचोदितः ।
तव च प्रियकामार्थं प्रतिज्ञामनुपालयन् ॥
Much more SO, when commanded
personally by the best of kings and when
it is for the sake of your dear interest and
in fulfilment of his promise.
नाहमर्थपरो देवि लोकमावस्तुमुत्सहे ।
विद्धि मामृषिभिस्तुल्यं केवलं धर्ममास्थितम् ॥
O Queen, I am not eager to live in this
world, addicted to enjoyments. Know me
to be the equal of sages, well-rooted in
Dharma alone.
न ह्यतो धर्म धचरण किञ्चिदस्ति महत्तरम् ।
यथा पितरि शुश्रूषा तस्य वा वचनक्रिया ।
Than this there is no higher duty to
perform — to serve one's father and to carry
out his words.