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wearing matted locks and deer skin. Let

Bharata rule over this earth from this city

of the Kosalas.

एतत्कुरु नरेन्द्रस्य वचनं रघुनन्दन ।

सत्येन महता राम तारयस्व नरेश्वरम् ॥

O delight of the Raghus, fulfil the king's

promise. And by making his words true,

save your father, the best of men."

तदप्रियममित्रन्घ्नो वचनं मरणोपमम् ।

श्रुत्वा न विव्यथे रामः कैकेयीं चेदमब्रवीत् ॥

Hearing these unpleasant and death-

like words, Rama, the vanquisher of foes,

was not hurt. And he spoke thus to

Kaikeyi :

एवमस्तु गमिष्यामि वनं वस्तुमहं त्वितः ।

जटाजिनधरो राज्ञः प्रतिज्ञामनुपालयन् ॥

" Let it be so, I will go hence to the

forest, wearing matted locks
and deer
skin, to keep the promise of the king.
and deer

अलीकं मानसं त्वेकं हृदयं दहतीव मे ।

स्वयं यन्नाह मां राजा भरतस्याभिषेचनम् ॥

But a mental disquiet burns as it were

my heart, —that the king did not himself

tell me of the anointing of Bharata.