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Besides the anthologies, Abhinanda is also mentioned in some early
Kavya and Alankara works where the author is praised for his singular
abilities of a high class poet, famous even in his own days. The Udaya-
sundart Katha, a Champu Kavya by Soddhala may be regarded as the earliest
among them.
This work has been published in the Gaekwad's Oriental
Series as No. XI and the date of Soddhala has been fixed there as the first
half of the 11th century. Soddhala in this work mentions Abhinanda in
several places and characterises him as one of the best poets and as equal in
many respects to the well-known authors like Kalidasa, Bana and
Vāk patirāja.³
The Kirtikaumudi of Someśvaradeva is the next work which mentions
Abhinanda and describes his merits in the most flattering terms. This
Someśvaradeva was a family priest of kings Bhímadeva and Lavana prasada
and was patronised by the two ministers Vastupala and Tejaḥpala. He
composed two works, namely, the Kirtikaumudi and the Surathotsava, both
of which have been published. The editor is of opinion that the author
flourished in the middle of the 13th century A. D. While stating the
poetical attainments of Yasovira, Someśvara compares the compositions of
Mágha, Abhinanda and Kálidaśa and characterises them to be far inferior to
those of Yasovira, without, however, realizing the absurdity of his remarks.
Among the authors of Alankâra works Kṣemendra mentions one Abhi-
nanda in his Suvṛttatilaka and mentions Abhinanda's fondness for Anustubh
metre in his compositions. Regarding the time of Ksemendra it may be
remembered that he was a pupil of Abhinavagupta who flourished in cir.
1000 A. D.
Ujjvaladatta in his Unâdisûtravṛtti in several instances quotes some
of the verses of Abhinanda to support the validity of his derivation of words,
and mentions him by name. In this work there are no less than four ślokas
1. pp. 3, 1; 27, 4; 154, 14; 157, 4.
2. वागीश्वरं हन्त भजेऽभिनन्द-मर्थेश्वरं वाक्पति जमीडे ।
रसेश्वरं स्तौमि च कालिदासं बाणन्तु सर्वेश्वरमानतोऽस्मि ॥ P. 157-4,
3. See page IX of the introduction of the Kirti-Kaumudi.
न माघः इलाध्यते कैश्चिन्नाभिनन्दोऽभिनन्यते ।
निष्कलः कालिदासोऽपि यशे। वरिस्य संनिधौ || Kirti Kaumudi p. 3.
6. अनुष्टुप्सततासक्ता साभिनन्दस्य नम्दिनी ।
विद्याधरस्य वढ्ने गुलिकेव प्रभावभू: ॥ Suettatilaka- Kêvyamála and गुच्छक P.