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13 Kalpadrukośa, Vol. II indexes and vocabulary:
edited by the late Mahamahopadhyaya Pandit
Ramavatara Sarma Sahityacarya of Patna.
Padmānanda Mahākāvya: giving the life history of
Risabhadeva, the first Tirthankara of the Jainas by
Amarachandra Kavi of the 13th century: edited by
H. R Kapadia, M.A.
15. Dandaviveka; a comprehensive Penal Code of the
ancient Hindus by Vardhamana of the 12th century
A.D. edited by Mahamahopadhyaya Kamala Krishna
16. Nityotsava: a supplement to the Parasurāmakalpasūtra
by Umanandanatha: second edition by Swami Trivi-
krama Tirtha
17. Saktisangama Tantra: a voluminous compendium of
the Hindu Tantra comprising four books on Tara,
Kali, Sundari and Chhinnamastā : edited by
B. Bhattacharyya, Ph.D.
Pārānanda Sūtra: an ancient Tantric work of the
Hindus in Sutra form giving details of many practices
and rites: edited by Swami Trivikrama Tirtha.
19. Udbhaṭālankāravivṛti: an ancient commentary on
Udbhata's Kavyalankarasarasangraha generally attri-
buted to Mukula Bhatta (10th century A.D.): edited by
K. S. Ramaswami Sastri.
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